yonghu_dml_20230921.sql 7.6 KB

  1. DELETE FROM `sys_config` WHERE config_id = 10;
  2. DELETE FROM `sys_config` WHERE config_id = 11;
  3. INSERT INTO `sys_config` (`config_id`, `config_name`, `config_key`, `config_value`, `config_type`, `create_by`, `create_time`, `update_by`, `update_time`, `remark`) VALUES (10, '入库检测光栅', 'sys.guangshan.no5', 'Y', 'N', 'admin', '2023-10-19 15:16:10', NULL, NULL, '光栅是否开启【参数键值】condig_value(Y开启,N关闭)');
  4. INSERT INTO `sys_config` (`config_id`, `config_name`, `config_key`, `config_value`, `config_type`, `create_by`, `create_time`, `update_by`, `update_time`, `remark`) VALUES (11, '出库检测光栅', 'sys.guangshan.no6', 'Y', 'N', 'admin', '2023-10-19 15:16:10', NULL, NULL, '光栅是否开启【参数键值】condig_value(Y开启,N关闭)');
  5. DELETE FROM `ams_hexdefine_detail` WHERE business_type = '76' or business_type = '77';
  6. INSERT INTO `ams_hexdefine_detail` (`id`, `business_type`, `col_name`, `col_type`, `bind_table`, `col_val`, `val_type`, `sort_index`) VALUES ('227', '76', 'Header key', '1', NULL, '87CD', '1', '1');
  7. INSERT INTO `ams_hexdefine_detail` (`id`, `business_type`, `col_name`, `col_type`, `bind_table`, `col_val`, `val_type`, `sort_index`) VALUES ('228', '76', 'Size of header', '1', NULL, '0008', '1', '2');
  8. INSERT INTO `ams_hexdefine_detail` (`id`, `business_type`, `col_name`, `col_type`, `bind_table`, `col_val`, `val_type`, `sort_index`) VALUES ('229', '76', 'Size of message', '1', NULL, '000B', '1', '3');
  9. INSERT INTO `ams_hexdefine_detail` (`id`, `business_type`, `col_name`, `col_type`, `bind_table`, `col_val`, `val_type`, `sort_index`) VALUES ('230', '76', 'Funcation code', '1', NULL, '0001', '1', '4');
  10. INSERT INTO `ams_hexdefine_detail` (`id`, `business_type`, `col_name`, `col_type`, `bind_table`, `col_val`, `val_type`, `sort_index`) VALUES ('231', '76', 'Message type', '1', NULL, '0071', '1', '5');
  11. INSERT INTO `ams_hexdefine_detail` (`id`, `business_type`, `col_name`, `col_type`, `bind_table`, `col_val`, `val_type`, `sort_index`) VALUES ('232', '76', 'Number of parameters', '1', NULL, '0008', '1', '6');
  12. INSERT INTO `ams_hexdefine_detail` (`id`, `business_type`, `col_name`, `col_type`, `bind_table`, `col_val`, `val_type`, `sort_index`) VALUES ('233', '76', 'TS Order', '1', NULL, '4C', '1', '7');
  13. INSERT INTO `ams_hexdefine_detail` (`id`, `business_type`, `col_name`, `col_type`, `bind_table`, `col_val`, `val_type`, `sort_index`) VALUES ('234', '76', 'Priority', '2', NULL, 'priority', '1', '8');
  14. INSERT INTO `ams_hexdefine_detail` (`id`, `business_type`, `col_name`, `col_type`, `bind_table`, `col_val`, `val_type`, `sort_index`) VALUES ('235', '76', 'code', '1', NULL, '0001', '1', '9');
  15. INSERT INTO `ams_hexdefine_detail` (`id`, `business_type`, `col_name`, `col_type`, `bind_table`, `col_val`, `val_type`, `sort_index`) VALUES ('236', '76', 'IKEY', '2', NULL, 'iKey', '1', '10');
  16. INSERT INTO `ams_hexdefine_detail` (`id`, `business_type`, `col_name`, `col_type`, `bind_table`, `col_val`, `val_type`, `sort_index`) VALUES ('237', '76', 'LP0', '2', NULL, 'ext1', '1', '11');
  17. INSERT INTO `ams_hexdefine_detail` (`id`, `business_type`, `col_name`, `col_type`, `bind_table`, `col_val`, `val_type`, `sort_index`) VALUES ('240', '77', 'Header key', '1', NULL, '87CD', '1', '1');
  18. INSERT INTO `ams_hexdefine_detail` (`id`, `business_type`, `col_name`, `col_type`, `bind_table`, `col_val`, `val_type`, `sort_index`) VALUES ('241', '77', 'Size of header', '1', NULL, '0008', '1', '2');
  19. INSERT INTO `ams_hexdefine_detail` (`id`, `business_type`, `col_name`, `col_type`, `bind_table`, `col_val`, `val_type`, `sort_index`) VALUES ('242', '77', 'Size of message', '1', NULL, '000B', '1', '3');
  20. INSERT INTO `ams_hexdefine_detail` (`id`, `business_type`, `col_name`, `col_type`, `bind_table`, `col_val`, `val_type`, `sort_index`) VALUES ('243', '77', 'Funcation code', '1', NULL, '0001', '1', '4');
  21. INSERT INTO `ams_hexdefine_detail` (`id`, `business_type`, `col_name`, `col_type`, `bind_table`, `col_val`, `val_type`, `sort_index`) VALUES ('244', '77', 'Message type', '1', NULL, '0071', '1', '5');
  22. INSERT INTO `ams_hexdefine_detail` (`id`, `business_type`, `col_name`, `col_type`, `bind_table`, `col_val`, `val_type`, `sort_index`) VALUES ('245', '77', 'Number of parameters', '1', NULL, '0008', '1', '6');
  23. INSERT INTO `ams_hexdefine_detail` (`id`, `business_type`, `col_name`, `col_type`, `bind_table`, `col_val`, `val_type`, `sort_index`) VALUES ('246', '77', 'TS Order', '1', NULL, '4D', '1', '7');
  24. INSERT INTO `ams_hexdefine_detail` (`id`, `business_type`, `col_name`, `col_type`, `bind_table`, `col_val`, `val_type`, `sort_index`) VALUES ('247', '77', 'Priority', '2', NULL, 'priority', '1', '8');
  25. INSERT INTO `ams_hexdefine_detail` (`id`, `business_type`, `col_name`, `col_type`, `bind_table`, `col_val`, `val_type`, `sort_index`) VALUES ('248', '77', 'code', '1', NULL, '0001', '1', '9');
  26. INSERT INTO `ams_hexdefine_detail` (`id`, `business_type`, `col_name`, `col_type`, `bind_table`, `col_val`, `val_type`, `sort_index`) VALUES ('249', '77', 'IKEY', '2', NULL, 'iKey', '1', '10');
  27. INSERT INTO `ams_hexdefine_detail` (`id`, `business_type`, `col_name`, `col_type`, `bind_table`, `col_val`, `val_type`, `sort_index`) VALUES ('250', '77', 'LP0', '2', NULL, 'ext1', '1', '11');
  28. INSERT INTO `ams_hexdefine_detail` (`id`, `business_type`, `col_name`, `col_type`, `bind_table`, `col_val`, `val_type`, `sort_index`) VALUES (251, '78', 'Header key', 1, NULL, '87CD', 1, 1);
  29. INSERT INTO `ams_hexdefine_detail` (`id`, `business_type`, `col_name`, `col_type`, `bind_table`, `col_val`, `val_type`, `sort_index`) VALUES (252, '78', 'Size of header', 1, NULL, '0008', 1, 2);
  30. INSERT INTO `ams_hexdefine_detail` (`id`, `business_type`, `col_name`, `col_type`, `bind_table`, `col_val`, `val_type`, `sort_index`) VALUES (253, '78', 'Size of message', 1, NULL, '000B', 1, 3);
  31. INSERT INTO `ams_hexdefine_detail` (`id`, `business_type`, `col_name`, `col_type`, `bind_table`, `col_val`, `val_type`, `sort_index`) VALUES (254, '78', 'Funcation code', 1, NULL, '0001', 1, 4);
  32. INSERT INTO `ams_hexdefine_detail` (`id`, `business_type`, `col_name`, `col_type`, `bind_table`, `col_val`, `val_type`, `sort_index`) VALUES (255, '78', 'Message type', 1, NULL, '0071', 1, 5);
  33. INSERT INTO `ams_hexdefine_detail` (`id`, `business_type`, `col_name`, `col_type`, `bind_table`, `col_val`, `val_type`, `sort_index`) VALUES (256, '78', 'Number of parameters', 1, NULL, '0008', 1, 6);
  34. INSERT INTO `ams_hexdefine_detail` (`id`, `business_type`, `col_name`, `col_type`, `bind_table`, `col_val`, `val_type`, `sort_index`) VALUES (257, '78', 'TS Order', 1, NULL, '4E', 1, 7);
  35. INSERT INTO `ams_hexdefine_detail` (`id`, `business_type`, `col_name`, `col_type`, `bind_table`, `col_val`, `val_type`, `sort_index`) VALUES (258, '78', 'Priority', 2, NULL, 'priority', 1, 8);
  36. INSERT INTO `ams_hexdefine_detail` (`id`, `business_type`, `col_name`, `col_type`, `bind_table`, `col_val`, `val_type`, `sort_index`) VALUES (259, '78', 'code', 1, NULL, '0001', 1, 9);
  37. INSERT INTO `ams_hexdefine_detail` (`id`, `business_type`, `col_name`, `col_type`, `bind_table`, `col_val`, `val_type`, `sort_index`) VALUES (260, '78', 'IKEY', 2, NULL, 'iKey', 1, 10);
  38. INSERT INTO `ams_hexdefine_detail` (`id`, `business_type`, `col_name`, `col_type`, `bind_table`, `col_val`, `val_type`, `sort_index`) VALUES (261, '78', 'LP0', 2, NULL, 'ext1', 1, 11);
  39. INSERT INTO `sys_menu` (`menu_id`, `menu_name`, `parent_id`, `order_num`, `path`, `component`, `query`, `is_frame`, `is_cache`, `menu_type`, `visible`, `status`, `perms`, `icon`, `create_by`, `create_time`, `update_by`, `update_time`, `remark`) VALUES (2115, '盘点', 0, 4, 'Inventory', 'ams/Inventory/index', NULL, 1, 0, 'C', '0', '0', '', '#', 'admin', '2023-12-28 13:42:43', 'admin', '2023-12-28 13:48:03', '');