# postcss-pxtorpx-pro ![Node.js CI](https://github.com/Genuifx/postcss-pxtorpx-pro/workflows/Node.js%20CI/badge.svg) [![npm version](https://badge.fury.io/js/postcss-pxtorpx-pro.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/js/postcss-pxtorpx-pro) 本项目从[pxtorem](https://github.com/cuth/postcss-pxtorem)基础上修改而来,转换px单位为rpx,并允许指定任意单位及其转换函数,支持指定黑名单prop。 由于可以指定需要转换的单位和转化函数,故该插件理论上可以将px单位转为任意单位。默认转为rpx单位。 This repo is fork from [pxtorem](https://github.com/cuth/postcss-pxtorem), but more powerful than it. This plugin can transform pixels unit to any unit theoretically, which default transform to `rpx` unit. `rpx` is the unit make for developing mini-program, see [@wxa](https://webank.gitee.io/wxa/) A plugin for [PostCSS](https://github.com/ai/postcss) that generates rpx units from pixel units. ## Install ```shell $ npm install postcss-pxtorpx-pro --save-dev ``` ## Usage 像素是web开发中最常用的单位,但在做响应式页面开发之时稍显无力,开发者需要编写大量适配代码。故在移动端开发中我们常搭配rem, vw等单位使用,而在开发各类小程序中,我们又常用rpx取代vw。 Pixels are the easiest unit to use (*opinion*). The only issue with them is that they don't let browsers change the default font size of 16. This script converts every px value to a rem from the properties you choose to allow the browser to set the font size. ### Input/Output *With the default settings, only font related properties are targeted.* ```css // input h1 { margin: 0 0 20px; font-size: 32px; line-height: 1.2; letter-spacing: 1px; } // output h1 { margin: 0 0 40rpx; font-size: 64rpx; line-height: 1.2; letter-spacing: 2rpx; } ``` ### Example ```js var fs = require('fs'); var postcss = require('postcss'); var pxtorpx = require('postcss-pxtorpx-pro'); var css = fs.readFileSync('main.css', 'utf8'); var options = { replace: false }; var processedCss = postcss(pxtorpx(options)).process(css).css; fs.writeFile('main-rpx.css', processedCss, function (err) { if (err) { throw err; } console.log('Rpx file written.'); }); ``` ### options Type: `Object | Null` Default: ```js { // 转化的单位 unit: 'rpx', // 单位精度 unitPrecision: 5, // 不需要处理的css选择器 selectorBlackList: [], // 不需要转化的css属性 propBlackList: [], // 直接修改px,还是新加一条css规则 replace: true, // 是否匹配媒介查询的px mediaQuery: false, // 需要转化的最小的pixel值,低于该值的px单位不做转化 minPixelValue: 0, // 不处理的文件 exclude: null, // 转化函数 // 默认设计稿按照750宽,2倍图的出 transform: (x) => 2*x } ``` - `unit`(String) The unit transform to. default `rpx`. - `unitPrecision` (Number) The decimal numbers to allow the rpx units to grow to. - `transform` (Function) function to transform pixels to other unit. default `(x) => 2 * x`. - `propBlackList` (Array) The properties that can change from px to rpx. - Values need to be exact matches. - Use wildcard `*` to enable all properties. Example: `['*']` - Use `*` at the start or end of a word. (`['*position*']` will match `background-position-y`) - Use `!` to not match a property. Example: `['*', '!letter-spacing']` - Combine the "not" prefix with the other prefixes. Example: `['*', '!font*']` - `selectorBlackList` (Array) The selectors to ignore and leave as px. - If value is string, it checks to see if selector contains the string. - `['body']` will match `.body-class` - If value is regexp, it checks to see if the selector matches the regexp. - `[/^body$/]` will match `body` but not `.body` - `replace` (Boolean) Replaces rules containing rpxs instead of adding fallbacks. - `mediaQuery` (Boolean) Allow px to be converted in media queries. - `minPixelValue` (Number) Set the minimum pixel value to replace. - `exclude` (String, Regexp, Function) The file path to ignore and leave as px. - If value is string, it checks to see if file path contains the string. - `'exclude'` will match `\project\postcss-pxtorpx\exclude\path` - If value is regexp, it checks to see if file path matches the regexp. - `/exclude/i` will match `\project\postcss-pxtorpx\exclude\path` - If value is function, you can use exclude function to return a true and the file will be ignored. - the callback will pass the file path as a parameter, it should returns a Boolean result. - `function (file) { return file.indexOf('exclude') !== -1; }` ### Use with gulp-postcss and autoprefixer ```js var gulp = require('gulp'); var postcss = require('gulp-postcss'); var autoprefixer = require('autoprefixer'); var pxtorpx = require('postcss-pxtorpx-pro'); gulp.task('css', function () { var processors = [ autoprefixer({ browsers: 'last 1 version' }), pxtorpx({ replace: false }) ]; return gulp.src(['build/css/**/*.css']) .pipe(postcss(processors)) .pipe(gulp.dest('build/css')); }); ``` ### A message about ignoring properties Currently, the easiest way to have a single property ignored is to use a capital in the pixel unit declaration. ```css // `px` is converted to `rem` .convert { font-size: 16px; // converted to 1rem } // `Px` or `PX` is ignored by `postcss-pxtorpx` but still accepted by browsers .ignore { border: 1Px solid; // ignored border-width: 2PX; // ignored } ``` ### REF 开发本插件之前,没有留意到已经有童鞋做了一个[类似的](https://github.com/dnxbf321/postcss-pxtorpx), 不过看下功能,本插件应该更加强大一些,故取其同名加pro。